Monday, 5 January 2015

Is the blockbuster formula still working?

What is a flop?
-An unsuccessful or unprofitable film
-A film's profit needs to earn twice the production and marketing budget to not be considered a flop

What is the flop formula?
-A-list star = more money
- Cannot be a comedy - no special effects or not as much - no hardcore audiences or fan base/          followers
-Spend a lot on visual effects -> budget headlines
- If you spend money, you'll make money

How much does a film need to earn to be considered a success?
-Star wars episode 1: $1,027,044,677  Budget : $115, 000, 000
-Avatar: $2, 782, 275, 127 Budget: $237 million

Franchise: A collection of media that exists in multiple forms; film, lit, video games etc. i.e. jaws with the franchise and products that were made from it

Multiplex: Multiple or group of cinemas; showcase cinemas etc
Multiple screens showing multiple viewings of the same film
In these cinemas blockbusters are popular and commonly shown

Cinema budget:

What is considered to be a blockbuster budget: 

Marketing is not including in the production budget 

What factors effect the success of the film: 
-Based on box office figures at the cinema (how many times you see it at the cinema, not downloading it, etc).

Boxofficemojo OR imdb -> box office figures and data OR Mark Komode BBC film critic

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