Monday, 23 February 2015

-Conservative government sought to protect
-Government censorship and VHS police raids on dealers
-Mary Whitehouse, Margret Thatcher, BBFC and the media scapegoated the video nasties for immoral behaviour which led to a moral panic
-Video Recordings Act 1984 - 72 banned list
-Moral campaign against video nasties ; Mary Whitehouse (NVLA), Margret Thatcher, BBFC and the media
-Regulated videos have age restrictions by BBFC
-Video nasties were exploited to explain responsibility for moral decline in society
-Watching video nasties helps put in context of narrative, the campaigners did not actually watch them

-Videos being distributed by corner shops, market traders and garages
-The covers on the boxes were often more gruesome than the content
-Moral panic created by media the term 'video nasties'
-Riots, civil unrest, unemployment and recession
-Video nasties were niche films and popular with teenagers due to their controversy
-Video nasties were exploited to explain responsibility for moral decline in society
-Censorship or individual judgement

-Riots, civil unrest, unemployment and recession
-Video nasties like Evil Dead were realistic because they were low budget

-Cinema attendance declined massively due to the rise of VHS
-Video nasties were made for distribution for VHS

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