- Dystopian
- Sci-fi
- violence
- control/taking over of technology
- All franchise films. A franchise film is the original and the sequels after
Iconic Soundtracks -> identifiable/familiar/major franchise
Dystopian -> sci-fi/action
Same Director -> J.J Abrams - specialises/style ->lens flares
Sequels -> continue narrative -> characters - consequences and cause and effect
All reboots -> remade -> new storyline and character cast -> reimagined the original
All directed towards a male audience -> old and new fans
Hollywood/franchise (products) -> recycling old ideas -> running out of original ideas
A pre-existing loyal fan based = money
Hollywood has no new ideas, but instead recycles existing films and ideas. They know this way that they will make money and a profit, they will attract the old audience and the new generation. Ideas and films have to be rebooted due to internet piracy.
Creative artefact 9 key frames; actors, costume, lighting shot on a stills camera. Write a script for a disruption or resolution scene, a sequel, prequel or reboot as the films you have studied. Must explore your MACRO conclusion based on your comparison of your two films.
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