Thursday, 2 October 2014

V for Vendetta

In the dominoes fall scene, juxtaposition and cross cutting.  The cross cutting portrays the juxtaposition; for example the dominoes all have a lead on effect on each other, when one falls it has an impact on the next and so on. This portrays what actually happens in the film as when the girl is killed, the man who murdered her is killed and riots are caused. 
V starts off the first domino, portraying that he is at the centre of all of this, he created this and is in power and control. Then each of the characters act due to this, this portrays the message and values of the film, that what happens is down to you; you are responsible for what occurs, the dominoes resemble this. The dominos signify a revolution, and revolution only occurs when people act on it. The dominoes symbolise this message in the film. 

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