Children of Men and V for Vendetta are similar in terms of their narrative as they both subvert the stereotypical conventions of a classic Hollywood narrative. One of the conventions of a classic Hollywood narrative is cause and effect. This is subverted in Children of Men, which in my opinion moves furthest away from a classic Hollywood narrative, in comparison to V for Vendetta. Children of Men manipulates the use a cause and effect as we do not ever find out why Kee is pregnant. The fact that Kee is pregnant, is what drives the narrative, and that we never find out why or in other words, the cause of this; therefore manipulates the stereotypes of this aspect of cause and effect. This may have been used in this film to create the theme of realism, moreover, this conveys the messages of the film; that this could happen to humanity, and that hope is a fundamental aspect in all societies for them to keep on surviving.
V for Vendetta however, conveys the cause and effect of the film more clearly. This can be seen through the dominoes fall scene. We know that the cause of V's revenge is due to the experimentation he experienced in the concentration camps, and that he was put into this due to deviating against the governments expectations. This motivates V to his revenge, resulting in the bombing of the Old Bailey, and overall, driving the narrative. However, V for Vendetta subverts the cause and effect aspects of a classic Hollywood narrative as it does not portray the cause and effect through a linear structure, but instead jumps back through time to convey this. This may have been done to portray to the audience the effects of the oppression, so that the audience gains a side in the film. This also portrays the message of the film; because the film subverts the stereotypical conventions of a classic Hollywood narrative which tells a story of rebelling against the government, the message of the film is to subvert the oppression that the government has upon you.
In a classic Hollywood narrative, the equilibrium, the beginning, starts with a equal, peaceful state. However, due to both of the films being dystopian, this results in the equilibrium being subverted, that is, not being peaceful or equal at all, but instead, the way the situation and circumstances are, and are accepted as that. For example, in Children of Men, this begins in the coffee shop, the disruption stage is when Kee is discovered pregnant, and the resolution is open ended.
V for Vendetta's equilibrium shows the control of the media and the curfew through London at night, the disruption then comes about with the Old Bailey, the resolution, although still left open ended, comes about with the revolution, blowing up of Parliament and the death of V.